Our Services
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In our experience most challenges and disputes start with heavily amended 1-sided contracts, signed-up to with huge risks and onerous terms passed onto the sub-contractor with little room for manoeuvre.
Which is why it's crucial you have someone with contract-specific expertise to review every contract 'before' signing.
As part of the pre-contract review, we will prepare an overview of the contract, a table of contract-specific terms required for administering the contract smoothly and a further table of onerous clauses and suggested amendments to be negotiated with the Main Contractor prior to signing the contract.
Our team regularly review, advise and negotiate complex terms, sub-contracts, appointment documents, collateral warranties and bonds providing confidence the proposed agreements are safe to sign with a better balance of terms, risks and capped liabilities.
Contact us today - 03301 097 743
We have extensive experience in advising, preparing and defending every type of construction claim and resolving contentious issues and formal disputes.
Our team interrogate and audit the presented position and then provide contract based advice, recovery strategies and likely recovery.
We are also experienced in analysing and preparing evidence to support or defend formal contractual claims and disputes. Including adjudication, arbitration and litigation.
Contact us today - 03301 097 743
We value and negotiate variations and time delays as they occur or when entitlement and payment is challenged.
Our team will review the issue and approach it as a 2-part process:
1: Setting out the event in writing so the principle can be understood and agreed in principle.
2: Then compile time and cost records and present them with sufficient supporting back up to enable agreement and payment.
We also offer a comprehensive review of your existing sub-contract, to help identify contract specific requirements and processes that need to be followed to ensure timely payments and agreement of variations.
Contact us today - 03301 097 743
Our planners support main contractors, subcontractors, and legal professionals in the construction and engineering sectors.
We employ advanced planning techniques to ensure projects are completed as planned and within budget. Our planning experts bring a unique blend of planning engineering expertise and strong commercial insight, resulting in more efficient programme and contract management with a higher likelihood of success compared to conventional methods. We have also provided expert support and analysis for international disputes, successfully handling extensions of time claims and defending against loss and expense claims.